A wily plan for original content creation and extended audience growth.

Say Something Nice…

The Chase Oaks faith-based community had good things to say, but required a better way to communicate to a wider audience — until the bad boys at Villain weighed in.

Spread the
Good News

Reverse the damaging discourse in national culture with The Good Complex: a 2 season, 32-episode podcast featuring positive human-centric stories and conversations.

Onto a
Good Thing

From planning and pre-production to on-site audio/video production, post — to a dedicated microsite hub and publishing across distributed podcast networks.

Good Things Come to Those Who Iterate

Adapt and learn, change hosts, evolve formats, bring in panel discussions, moderators, guests — for a continuous increase in listen/watch time of each episode.

Amplify the Upside

As SEO best practices (including link-building strategies and transcripts) established authority and increased page ranking with Google, paid media extended reach across the competitive podcast market to win more subscribers.

It’s All Good

A wicked smart strategy for serialized content production drives audience expansion and measurable, meaningful engagement — all for the better.